Lucky for me the presentation was recorded. Un-lucky for me it was recorded using Adobe Connect, which makes downloading and editing the video extremely annoying. I figured a way around all the hurdles and you can watch the video below. I've also posted the slides below with some notes.
Some quick notes:
- Originally I was going to made a tip calculator, but was talked into this idea instead
- The idea for this app came from an idea I had for a Greasemonkey script
The slides from the presentation:
Slide 1
- The presentation was meant to be mostly verbal with just a few points made on the slides themselves. However, I did modify a couple for this blog post.
Slide 2
- A simple feature allows me to explore the entire end-to-end process
Slide 3
- The first example is simple to allow the audience to quickly follow the gist of the calculation
- The second example shows how the result can be useful: with a 5 month wait, I can plan to read something else while I'm waiting
Slide 4
- The better looking app usually wins
- I found this image of an old-style library checkout card to use as a guide (my apologies if this is your image)
Slide 5
- For the actual presentation, I switched to using a separate overhead projector that displayed my phone on the wall. I just inserted a screenshot for this version.
Slide 6
- Process button wasn't needed, but works as a visual cue to the user
- I used View elements in the XML layout, with a height/width of 1dip to make the lines
- I repeated those lines at the bottom to complete the look I was trying to achieve
- If I had to do this again, I would calculate the device's resolution and repeat those lines as many times as I needed. It didn't matter for this project.
Slide 7
- Changing Preferences wasn't supposed to overwrite the current values the user had entered, but upon testing this just confused the user. I had to change it to just have the preferences always over-write the current values.
- I originally had the result displayed in a TextView (read only), but decided to change it to a EditView so the user could select and copy the result
- The font and background with smudges made a HUGE difference. Smudges were just in the background image I created in GIMP, the aspect ratio didn't matter.
- I don't think anyone noticed, but I used that same background image in the app for this slide. I wanted to show that the image could be re-sized to fit just about anything and still look realistic.
Slide 8
- If you didn't watch the video, the audience had a couple questions and comments about how I did a couple things
- The comment that I remember most was when someone commented on the background image - he said at first he thought the screen on my phone was dirty!
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